Of calories, strength and joy

It’s not just about the calories I burn and the strength I build. I keep running within the metropolis parks because in every run, I keep discovering new things about the city. I continue knowing myself. It makes me appreciate life. It gives me joy in understanding myself and my surroundings. After all, happy people are those who know how to appreciate a simple view no matter what or where it is. It just requires one to know himself, looking at the brighter side of every thing, every time.

But that was yesterday. It has been 5 months since I last jogged. Not out of my not wanting or doing it because I was limited to not doing it, medically. I had a spine surgery early in February. It really was not my choice but a decision me and my surgeon had to jointly decide on because of the need. And the rest is history.

Today, I am feeling all the pain in my legs. And back. Again.

Tomorrow? It has become uncertain since the day I was promised by the surgeon to become better and be able to go back to my usual activities in a period of two months. I was told to be able to go back to swimming, running and surfing. To date, I still am not able to do any of these.

Wherefore now, will the calories, strength and joy take their abode?

104 thoughts on “Of calories, strength and joy

  1. Gerry, Thank you for following my blog! That follow led me to you! I’m inspired by your words and am so looking forward to reading more! I’m so sorry to hear of your pain and am hoping you heal quickly so you can get back to those activities you love. Write your way through it…I know it always helps me.

    • Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I hope to read more from you, too! 🙂 My healing is like a roller coaster ride. One day I’m just fine, the next day I’m feeling all the pain in my back again. There’s really not a template saying I’d be okay after 5 months or a little more. It’s a struggle getting a share of a pain-free life. Keep writing, it helps me in my recovery.

    • Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I will definitely visit your blog often, I like your cause in coming up with your page. It means something for someone like me who is physically challenged with the surgery and recuperating.

        • Sure. I’m new to blogging and I enjoy sharing thoughts with others. Something different from my everyday work as an HR practitioner interests me. I enjoy numbers (I’m a Math major) and I love writing. 🙂

  2. Great post! I’ve always loved going on walks and exploring. It’s a great way to learn about places and the people that inhabit them. I hope you can get back to your running routine soon. In the meantime, I hope you’re finding other ways to keep yourself entertained and happy.

  3. Thank you for following my blog. 🙂 I live in chronic pain, so can understand to a degree what you speak of. To me, the pain has been a journey within a journey, and I have learned so much from the experience. You sound very wise and self-aware, and I have hope that you will find a way to have extreme joy and fulfillment in life, even with the challenges of a body that has changed. Sam

  4. Hi Gerry, thanks for following my blog! I will pray for you, that your pain will go away and that you will once again have a fully functional body – able to do all that you want to do. In the meantime, keep writing! 🙂

  5. I appreciate you found my blog so I would find you! I too had back surgery about 5 years ago. I was told four mos. recovery. Well, it was four mos. to feeling like I would recover. In the meantime, it was baby steps. Teaching the nerves to work again. Setting goals of walking to the end of the driveway, then the frog pond, moving the goals. Gaining independence. It was a fight. Utilizing that part of me that pushes to just beyond my limit. Knowing when enough is enough. I was injured jogging. My dog went after a groundhog, and I didn’t! But the injury and recovery process made me slow down, not only from my constant literal running, but also my running in life. I am running again, but now I take the time to notice what I am running by and appreciate it. I have also come to appreciate life itself more as I run through it. Taking the time to stop here and there and appreciate it for what it is. Keep writing!

    • Thanks for sharing! 🙂 I’m glad I found your blog. I’m on my 6th month since the surgery and things really have to be taken real slow, like walking and generally moving around. I’ve long been itching to jog again. How long since you were able to jog again? By the way, I had laminectomy on my L4-L5. I still feel pain but it I think I can jog even for a short distance. I’m happy to have found you here 🙂

      • Sorry to take so long to respond. Two words. Work and Olympics watching! It was a year. And then it was a little at a time. I started by doing laps at the gym because I had a place to stop if I needed to and people to help in an emergency. I could also go one lap, one more lap, and so on which gave me good encouragement I was making progress. It was spasms after that got me. I took a very low dose of valium when they happened, and that helped tremendously! My chiropractor recommended this option to my surgeon. It’s hard to come back, but the memory of not being able to run has never left. I have no trouble these days as long as I keep stretching and keep moving. 🙂

        • Thanks for keeping in touch! Sorry for the long silence, I’ve been very busy at work! I only had the chance now. And I intend to keep a balance of what I’m asked to do (work) and what I love doing (blogging!) Once in a while, my back still hurts. And it hurts like hell but I just have to endure it. That’s the only way. But I can say that my situation has improved a lot over time. And I so look forward to getting better each day! 🙂

  6. :(( I hope you feel better soon! I know what you’re talking about though, running is not just a calorie burning exercise, it could be so zen-like especially when you run outside! Just a little moment where you can be alone with your thoughts while enjoying the beautiful city that you live in? Take it easy!! One step at a time 🙂 Also, thanks for visiting!

    • Well, you nailed it. And yes, I have to take it easy just like a kid with those baby steps trying to keep up with the adults. I really hope I’d be able to go back to my usual activities soon! 🙂 Keep in touch, I appreciate your dropping a line 🙂

  7. I wonder if you’ve had any more luck running and getting active since this post. You are too young to be so disabled from activities you love. I am really struggling with a severe, unknown back problem lately, and it keeps me from my beloved garden more than I’d like. I see gardening as a lifetime way to keeping active and healthy, so I really hope it does not impact my activities any more.

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